Le mail d’Andy qui n’est pas venu ( non plus)

O Horrible Helen !

Scoo-zatta ! I mean scoo-zay mwah ! (for the no-show)

Sometimes Dizzy Daisy thinks she’s I-talian.

Rendez-voo yesterday with Mr. Faille, director of the theater huile de la reunion.

Re-doing IGITUR in novemberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr down dere

encountered the three graces…the sisters Misses Shuns…Koncep (too thoughtful),

Representa (much too pretty), and Distrack (a nasty toad).

The project fell into the o-shun.

TOO much house cleaning yesterday. Feet and back gave out.

Slept 12 hours. ZUT !

Changing apartments today.

Can I catch yer “hee-haw” ?

Or was it just one shot ?

Ah am so very disappointed.

Working on a text in inglish for a book about composer Julius Eastman (1940-1990).

Bits of his peace for ten cellos were in IGITURBULANT.

Will send you a copy (the blood-blue file / unfinished portrait of a gay guerrilla)

soon as it’s hooked/booked/cooked.

Also trying to get an homage to Mike (1948-2009) together for the B.N.M.

with Laura Galasso. A bit of his magic violin was mixed with the Mallarmé sonnet

for la Chartreuse and the C.N.D..

Anyways. Do hope yer thing was super, and you had fun.

(mille et une ZUTS) Was it nasty ?

Yours. The Fat Niggah

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